The Cognitive Early Warning Predictive System Using the Smart Vaccine : The New Digital Immunity Paradigm for Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure by Rocky Termanini PDF


Here s an interesting revelation ... during the plague of Athens in 430 BC, the Greeks realized that people who had previously survived smallpox did not contract the disease a second time. In fact, these survivors were often called upon to attend to those afflicted with smallpox. Consider this book as the continuum of the Immunization legacy as applied to the digital world. The business of attack-as-a-service (AaaS) is real and is not going away any time soon. The Russians and Chinese have recently been suspected of providing AaaS to nefarious organizations. This book offers the most innovative solution to this critical issue. The Cognitive Early Warning Predictive System (CEWPS ) described in the book replicates the human immune system and creates its counterpart, "the digital immune system." A CEWPS inoculates critical systems with vaccination as a service (VaaS). This is achieved through its Smart Vaccine, the holy grail of digital immunity. From the CEWPS arsenal, the early warning predictive component is the intelligent and self-trained AI reasoning engine that acquires knowledge from past attacks and predicts, probable incoming cyberattacks. The Cognitive Early Warning Predictive System Using the Smart Vaccine discusses asymmetric cyber warfare, the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure, and the shortcomings of the anti-virus technologies. Next, it describes the enabling technologies required to build a "Digital Immune System." CEWPS is the new paradigm that extends the continuum of cyber security. This book includes vivid attack scenarios on some major infrastructures and describes how CEWPS is used to deter and annihilate the attacks. ", This book brings to light the concept of digital Immunity and how it can be applied to combat cybercrime and terrorism. The Cognitive Early Warning Predictive System (CEWPS) is in fact the new Digital Immune System. The book describes the landscape of cyber warfare, vulnerability of the critical infrastructures, shortcomings of AVT, the human immune system, and then it zooms on the architecture and the technologies of CEWPS. A big portion of the book, which is the best part of the book, includes vivid attack scenarios on some major infrastructures and how CEWPS deter and annihilate the attack.

The Cognitive Early Warning Predictive System Using the Smart Vaccine : The New Digital Immunity Paradigm for Smart Cities and Critical Infrastructure read online ebook EPUB, PDF, TXT

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