- Responsible Management Education and the Challenge of Poverty (2016, Hardcover) ebook EPUB, TXT, DOC


"End poverty in all its forms everywhere" - UN Sustainable Development Goal 1 There has never been a more urgent need to tackle the issue of global poverty, and the need for businesses, business schools and management programmes to address the issue is crucial as they educate and employ the leaders of tomorrow. But with so many competing priorities on courses and considerable ground to cover, it can be challenge to devote enough time and attention to poverty issues. Responsible Management Education and the Challenge of Poverty provides an invaluable guide for management educators who want to inspire a new generation of leaders to tackle global poverty challenges. This expert collection shows educators how to teach poverty in management programmes, with examples, encouragement and guidance from course leaders and management academics. The five sections of the book focus on frameworks for understanding, course design and topic integration within courses, extra-curricular approaches or community-based approaches, contemporary issues and future directions. The book is a companion volume to Socially Responsive Organizations and the Challenge of Poverty, which shows a clear rationale for the inclusion of poverty in management education. Showcasing innovative teaching, module development and program design methods that integrate the issue of poverty into global business management courses and curricula, this handbook shows educators how to design effective programmes and modules that get to the heart of poverty issues as they relate to management education. It is essential reading for faculty members, trainers and administrators who are interested in new ways to engage students with the complex relationship between poverty and business practice., Showcasing innovative teaching, module development and program design methods that integrate the issue of poverty into global business management courses and curricula, this handbook shows educators how to teach and integrate the issue of poverty into all levels of management education. * Provides practical advice on integrating the issue of poverty into management education * Includes program structures, module descriptions and organizational change strategies * A companion volume to Socially Responsive Organizations and the Challenge of Poverty, There has never been a more urgent need to tackle the issue of global poverty. And, because they educate and employ the leaders of tomorrow, the need for businesses, business schools and management programme to address the issue is crucial. But with so many competing priorities on courses, and considerable ground to cover, it can be a challenge to devote sufficient time and attention to poverty issues. Responsible Management Education and the Challenges of Poverty provides an invaluable guide for management educators who want to inspire a new generation of leaders to tackle global poverty challenges. This expert collection shows educators how to teach poverty in management programmes, with examples, encouragement and guidance from course leaders and management academics. The five sections of the book focus on frameworks for understanding, course design and topic integration within courses, extra-curricular approaches or community-based approaches, contemporary issues and future directions. The book is a companion volume to Socially Responsive Organizations and the Challenges of Poverty, and presents a clear rationale for the inclusion of poverty in management education. Showcasing innovative teaching, module development and programme design methods that integrate the issue of poverty into global business management courses and curricula, this handbook shows educators how to design effective programmes and modules that get to the heart of poverty issues as they relate to management education. It is essential reading for faculty members, trainers and administrators who are interested in new ways to engage students with the complex relationship between poverty and business practice. Book jacket.

- Responsible Management Education and the Challenge of Poverty (2016, Hardcover) download book TXT, DOC, PDF

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